Life Is A Beach
Henry Beach Drive has been a Jenner family legacy for nearly 100 years, raising generations of my family and being the home base for all things Ken and Betty. My great grandmother, Betty, met my great grandfather, Ken, in the early 1920’s and they raised five children in this home, one being my grandfather, Mike Jenner. Betty Jenner kept a daily journal throughout her whole life, scribing what life was like with her five children. Ken also documented life in his own way—photography. Betty Jenner lived until the age of 80, while Ken passed a few days before 99 years old, in the same house they had lived in for the last 70 years.
Today, 9 Henry Beach remains a Jenner family legacy, now owned my Nancy (Ken and Betty’s daughter) and her husband Buck. Ken and Betty’s five children live in all new places with grand-children of their own. Luckily, the memories of their past live on through the art created by their parents back in the 1950’s. Through my time in this home, I have explored the ways the memories from the past exist in the present and how 9 Henry Beach holds the true meaning of family history.

An exterior shot of the home, located in Camillus, NY on December 5th, 2021. Nancy and Buck spent the night decorating for the holidays.
A view from the inside of the kitchen room area on October 10th, 2021.

Ken Jenner's jacket from his time in World War II, hanging on a coat rack in his bedroom from his late life. After Betty passed away, Ken lived in the back room of the home until his death in 2018.
Nancy Jenner situated on the lounge chair in the living room, speaking to her husband Buck on December 5th, 2021.

A reflective shot from the doorway entry of the home. Ken Jenner's flag from his time at war sits centered on the shelf.
Betty Jenner in her last journal entry
"I love all of you."

Nancy Jenner looks through her childhood albums with a wide smile on her face on December 5th, 2021. Ken and Betty kept many photo albums over many years.
Nancy Jenner peruses through old photo albums on December 5th, 2021. Each photo from the family was neatly organized and labeled by her mother, Betty Jenner.